Please call 865.437.6115
or e-mail for details.
-Call or e-mail us to set up a pick up, donate monetarily, help with the organization or just chat more about what we are trying to get accomplished.
-Please make sure all instruments are in working order. We can restring and tune instruments, but aren't really capable of doing full instrument repair...YET!
-We will take anything from Uncle Jim's old guitar that no one has played in years, to a dusty old harmonica that has been in an attic or barn.
-Also note that we accept literature and teaching tools because ultimately if we give a child an instrument, he or she will also need some direction. I had an idea to also do lessons for the kids, free of cost, but that is more of a dream until support picks up.
-We realize that this isn't a very user-friendly way to go about things, but please see that these are our humble beginnings. With YOUR support and help we can make this idea really take off and do something good for OUR county.